Condensation Solutions
Condensation Control and Prevention


Combat condensation problems with our anti condensation products and an eco friendly fan from our full condensation product range

Condensation Kit

Contains -

2.5 litres of emulsion with anti-fungal additive
Anti fungal surface cleanser
Container to mix cleanser in
Protective gloves

Kit contains enough materials to treat the area covered by the paint (2.5 litre tub covers approx 20 - 25 m2)
The manufacturers claim this system if used properly will stop any mould from growing for 5 years.
Ideal for Landlords and tenants where redecoration is regular and the expense of a long term solution can be delayed. Additional paint is available below £41.60 +vat P&P


Anti condensation kit 
Anti mould paint 10 litre 42.50 + vat P&P 

CROWN 10 LITRE TUBS WHITE or MAGNOLIA contract emulsion paint with anti mould treatment pre-mixed - ready to use.
One tub covers the whole of an average room.

£42.50 Trade counter collect price
Or plus vat P&P by courier.


  Wall vents

These vents are simply installed through your wall to the room with the problem, they provide passive ventilation and can be installed anywhere because there is no need for an electric supply

 C Passive wall vent

Circular passive vent for installation with core drills

£38.95 + vat P&P

Passive vent circular

 Passive vent square S Passive wall vent

Passive vent for installation through walls

£85.00 +vat P&P

  Positive pressure ventilation units (PPU)'s

These units offer an inexpensive solution to remove stale humid air from your property via existing leakage points.

Vericure™ DCXH12v

The Vericure DCXH Universal Fan, has continuous background ventilation at imperceptible noise level with boost via integral humidstat, Adjustable run-on timer (1-60 mins)  

£262.50 + VAT fully installed

 Vericure™ DCXH12 bathroom fan
 eco-dryaire cm whole house mould and condensation control

eco-dryaire cm condensation control system. remote controlled piv system suitable for a houses or a flats with a loft 

 £605.00 + VAT, fully installed

Read more

 eco-dryaire PIV WM
 condensation and mould control system suitable for flats and basement accomodation  cost from
£442 +vat trade counter collect 
or + Carriage for courier delivery 
+VAT,Fully installed

Read more
 eco-dryaire ppu condensation and mould control for flats

  Heat Recovery range

Our low carbon heat recovery range products are specifically designed to maintain the required volume of air removal and to recover a high percentage of the heat that normal fans would be blowing into the atmosphere, thus reducing running costs, saving heating costs and eliminating condensation problems in your room or home. All of these fans are manufactured in the UK and are top quality products.

The following systems extract stale humid air, recover around 70% of the heat from it (varies by unit) and use that heat to warm up fresh air which they then introduce into your property, this saves on heating costs and is very eco friendly with the added benefit of low carbon electric motors which run on as little as 8 watts of electric.

Heat recovery fan  Energex MEHR
(Mechanical extract heat recovery) 
  • Provides balanced heat recovery ventilation
  • Reduces draughts
  • Simple core-drill installation
  • Ventilates any single room

This is our entry level unit and is an inexpensive way to provide room vemtilation with heat recovery

£99.00 +VAT P&P

Trackmaster Heat recovery ventilator
Multi room version

Extracts moist humid air and heats up fresh air coming into flats and apartments

£608.00+vat P&P 


 House heat recovery ventilator 

 The Tempra

Single room heat recovery, fits straight through the hole from an existing 100mm fan, manufactured by Vent Axia.

Standard unit £250.00+vat
(switches on with lights)

Humidistat unit £300.00 + Vat
(Controlled by a humidistat which activates when humidity rises above a set level)

 Low Carbon heat recovery fan

To order 
Simply fill in the form on our contact page and let us know which item you require, we will return your email with an invoice and payment link. Items are normally shipped on day of payment or next working day.


Supply and fit - complete service available

Click here for details