Condensation Solutions
Condensation Control and Prevention


Condensation, moulds, Bugs and Health problems


When condensation creates a suitable environment for mould, these moulds develop and mature to give out spores which carry on their life cycle. The spores establish themselves in the surrounding moisture, they propagate and the problem can multipMould effects on healthly significantly over a short period of time.
The spores released from the moulds are known to aggravate medical conditions, especially associated with the chest, breathing and nasal passages. Condensation, mildew and other mould spores are known to have a detrimental affect for asthma sufferers. The moist humid atmosphere can also encourage the growth of dust mites and other household horrors. Dampness from condensation has been known to cause wet and dry rots togrow and to damage building elements such as plasterboard ceilings, furnishings and decorations.

 Condensation - affects on health

It is estimated that some 80% of asthma sufferers are allergic to dust mites or Condensation youngmore specifically to the faeces (poo) of these creatures. Dust mites are so small they are not visible to the human eye without a microscope but they can be present in huge quantities, especially in soft furnishings and more worryingly, in our bedding (mattresses and pillows). The dust mites faeces can also float in the air when you shake your bedding or when you walk over the carpet where they have settled. When you breathe this in, it can be detrimental to health and can even trigger an asthma attack.

Dust mites are generally thrive in a humid environment. Ventilating your home and therefore 'drying' it out can make it a more difficult for the dust mite toCondensation older survive and grow. If the humidity in your home is reduced and maintained at the recommended level, mite populations will fall and therefore the volume of their faeces produced is reduced. Clinical research has proven that the benefits of home ventilation can play a significant part in controlling dust mite allergens.

Whilst we cannot claim to have a cure for asthma, we can claim to create a better environment for asthma sufferers and everyone within the property. If that reduces asthma attacks and improves health, we think it can only be a good thing.

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