Condensation Solutions
Condensation Control and Prevention

How to identify condensation mould and mildew

Condensation can create black spot mould (aspergillus niger) and this is one of the easiest moulds to identify. Condensation mold is usually groups or clusters of black spots, these can over time link up to form continuous areas of black mould along cold areas of walls, often in places of little air movement such as behind chairs/furniture, in corners of rooms up walls and along ceilings.

Black spot condensation mould
Black spot mould growing on both a wall and a UPVC door

Condensation mold
Black spot mold growing on dot'n'dabbed plasterboard where the dabs have caused a thermal bridge from the cold outside wall through to the internal surface. The now cooler surface has created a lower dew point where condensation has occurred and lead to mold growth in the exact shape and position of the dabs behind the plasterboard.

Black spot mould

Black spot mould (magnified many times) showing spore production, The blue ball shapes are spores ready to be released into atmosphere.